On the eve of the opening of the French market of gambling Online Casino Jackpot offers a quantitative analysis of what is now the Gambling sector as a whole! These data will help you understand the reasons why … the French government to regulate activity in France. Today we employ over 24 000 sites gambling online activity around the world illegally, against about 15 000 sites 3 years ago. A four-page spread in French brand of large casino, poker, online betting and turf, and then redirect the players on gaming platforms.
It would therefore nearly 6,000 sites that stimulate the 2 or 3 million French players on the canvas. These players generate between 360 million euros for the most skeptical and 5 billion euros for the most optimistic. An official study has made us more precision in dissecting the distribution of this pooling of money en masse: In 2008 it is expected that the online betting (and Sports Turf) weighed 430 million euros, 70 million poker d ‘ euro and the online casinos would approach 400 million.
One understands better why the French government seeks to control this if a fluctuating market, where profits can be taxed only to fall into the coffers of the state. Also the French state is in a situation or conflict of interest fuels the debate. Some talk of protectionism to safeguard the interests of French Games and the PMU. You realize why only 50 licenses will be provided in French in June 2010 at the earliest.
Finally lobby government speaks urgently act to address protection of the player who is vacillating on illegal operators, while some operators as the latest Mondo Casino is licensed by the Malta LGA recognized by the European Union Organization as reference in the control of Equity and player protection. Let us not go astray, because the legislation in this sector is primarily to benefit primarily from the explosion of it in years to come!
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